February 2020 Pagosa Springs Real Estate Newsletter

I’m writing on Super Bowl Sunday, and my family is divided. I’m rooting for the San Francisco 49ers, and my wife is for the Kansas City Chiefs. It’s shaping up to be a gorgeous day outside – 54 degrees. We’ll enjoy it while we can. Tomorrow the forecast is for snow and cold. So far, this winter has been pretty average. Lots of small storms, but no big ones yet. The snowpack in the mountains is at 105% of median for this time of year.

A week from now, I will be celebrating my 72nd birthday in Jamaica on the beach. It’s a tough life, but somebody has to live it. I’m sure I will miss the snow and cold weather, but I’ll get over it.

Last weekend was Winterfest here in town, and it was very busy. There was a new event called skijoring that stole the show. This event entails a horse and rider pulling a skier or snowboarder through an obstacle course with jumps and zig-zags to see who can finish the course with the fastest time. This was very exciting to watch. There were lots of crashes mixed in with some very fast times. Of course, there were many other events as well. There was the Penguin Plunge, where a bunch of crazy people jump into the ice-cold river to raise money for various charities. There was the anything-goes sled race, the fat-tire bike race, a BB-gun biathlon, and a hot air balloon mass ascension. This was a lot of fun for the whole family and great for the local economy.

Now for the latest real estate news. January sales were quite strong. Residential sales were way up in homes, condos, and townhomes. Land sales were down. Overall, sales were down 10% compared to last year, but this represents a difference of only 4 sales. Small sample sizes can make the stats swing wildly this time of year. Pending sales are also strong with 80 deals in the hopper compared to 68 in 2019. Overall, it’s a good start to the year. Personally, I have been very busy.

So long for now, and I hope as you read this your team won!

Lee Riley
2011 & 2014 Realtor of the Year
Phone (970) 731-4065
Fax (970) 731-4068
Cell (970) 946-3856
Email: [email protected]